Shows the fast lane
Show oldest order first
Show the newest order first
Rearrange orders
Show the order with the shortest countdown first
Show only the orders for the current course
Show all articles in preparation and awaiting preparation
Show all articles in preparation and awaiting preparation
Also show articles of other preparation areas
Close the kitchen screen
Start countdown selected article
Stop countdown selected article
Start countdown course
Stop countdown course
Restart a course which has the status “Ready”
Change selected article to status “Ready”
Change to whole course to status “Ready”
➁Shows the articles per order according to the colour assigned to the course and a preset countdown time
➂Move to the first page of the overview
➃Move to the previous page of the overview
➄Move to the next page of the overview
➅Move to the last page of the overview
➆Overview shows article name, when the preparation started, what course it is, how much preparation time remains, status of the article, and the purpose of the article