Printer Error
A printer error occurs, redirect the printer to another printer
- When a printer error occurs, the Printer Error Screen pops up informing you which printer is malfunctioning➀and why it might be in error
- Useto retry printing to this printer
The printer keeps malfunctioning
- the Printer Error Screen pops up again
- Select another printer from the list of available printers➁
You automatically return to the Table Screen and the print orders are now redirected to the selected printer. When the issues with the printer are solved, undo the printer redirection
Error message
List of available printers
Printer Redirection
You can redirect a printer to another printer
- Press the word “Printers” in the Table Screen to open the Printer Screen directly
- Or press the word “Manager” in the Table Screen and pressin the Manager Screen
- The Printer Screen opens
- Select a printer from the list of available printers➃
- Press
- Select another printer from the list of available printers➃
- The list of re-directions shows the re-routing(s) you made➂
- Press to return to the Table Screen
Printer redirection should only be used temporarily. For permanent changes use the backoffice
Alter Printer Redirection
- Press the word “Printers” in the Table Screen to open the Printer Screen directly
- Or press the word “Manager” in the Table Screen and pressin the Manager Screen
- The Printer Screen opens
- Click on the redirected printer in the list of re-directions➂
- Press
- Select another printer from the list of available printers➃
- Pressto return to the Table Screen
Printer redirection should only be used temporarily. For permanent changes use the backoffice
Undo Printer Redirection
- Press the word “Printers” in the Table Screen to open the Printer Screen directly
- Or press the word “Manager” in the Table Screen and pressin the Manager Screen
- The Printer Screen opens
- Click on the redirected printer in the list of re-directions➂
- Press
- Pressto return to the Table Screen
Printer redirection should only be used temporarily. For permanent changes use the backoffice