Per location this feature may be used differently and the way it works may vary from the description here. Some features may also not be available, or for certain users only, managers for example
Payment screen
To be able to enter the way in which an order is paid, the payment screen has to be opened. From this payment screen a number of actions can be executed. The available features will be separately explained below. We start with an overview of the basic payment screen
- To open the payment screen in ‘Take Away’ and ‘Dine in’, press
on the order screen
- For a delivery order, the payment screen is automatically shown when the deliverer selects an order from the delivery booking screen
- The payment screen is the same for the store service areas
Shows an overview of all articles, consolidated quantities and prices in the order that is going to be paid
Shows an overview the original bill total, how much (still) needs to be paid, amount received (if any), how much to return (if any), and the waiter that’s logged in
With these buttons you can switch to another screen without completing the payment. The order will be remembered
This column has most of the buttons that are needed to execute actions
The number pad can be used to enter amounts when required

Articles in the order that are going to be paid
Payment amount details
Buttons to go to another screen without paying the bill
Number pad

Tip amount entered
To pay with tip added
Cash Payments
- When the amount given exactly matches the amount required:
- Press
the bill is closed and the order ticket(s) and receipt are printed and you return to the order screen
- Press
- When the amount given exceeds the amount required, enter the amount you received in the number pad
- The payment details
- Total: the total amount for all the articles and options in the order overview
- To pay: the amount that is (still) needed to close the bill
- Received: the amount you entered via the number pad
- Return: the amount that should be returned to the customer
- Waiter: shows which waiter is currently logged in and tho who is logged as waiter that closed the bill
- Total: the total amount for all the articles and options in the order overview
- Hand the customer the due change and press
- The bill is closed, order ticket(s) and receipt are printed
- You return to the order screen

Payment details
Order overview
Card Payments
- Press
to indicate that the bill is paid with a credit card
- The bill is closed, order ticket(s) and receipt are printed
- You return to the order screen
On Account
This payment type is only available for clients that have enough credit
- Press
in the payment screen
- Select the client’s name
- The button you selected is highlighted and the name of the client is displayed
- In the ‘Account‘ field of the overview, you can see whether the client has sufficient credit
- Press
to confirm the selected client
- The button you selected is highlighted and the name of the client is displayed
- You return to the payment screen
- Press
to deduct the bill amount from the client’s credit
- A message is shown when a client doesn’t have enough money on account
- When the payment was successful the order ticket(s) and receipt are printed
- You return to the order screen

Clients to select
Currently selected client
Client’s credit
Pay bill with multiple payment methods
A bill may be paid with several payment methods, e.g. part of the bill is paid in cash and the remainder via card
- Enter the amount, that will be paid first, on the numeric pad
- The ‘Received:‘ field in the table info
shows the amount you entered
- Select one of the payment methods: cash, card, or account
- Repeat these steps until the whole check is paid, otherwise you will remain in the payment screen
- When the complete bill is paid, order ticket(s) and receipt are printed, on which you can see the amounts per payment method
- You return to the order screen
Partially Pay the Bill
Only a part of the bill is paid, the remainder stays open. E.g. you printed a proforma for a ‘Dine in’ table that seats three people. One of them leaves and the other two remain seated. The one that leaves wants to pay part of the bill and leave the rest for the other two
- Enter the amount that will be paid on the numeric pad
- The ‘Received:‘ field in the table info
shows the amount you entered
- Select one of the payment methods: cash, card, or account
- The amount you entered is deducted from the total
- Press
- A receipt is printed, the amount paid is divided over all articles in the order
- You return to the order screen, but the table isn’t closed

Num pad
Table info
Split the Bill in Equal Parts
The bill is divided in equal parts that can be paid separately
- Press
in the payment screen
- The split bill screen is opened
- Press
to divide the check by the number shown on the button, e.g.
divides the bill in four equal parts
- You can also press
to enter a different number in the numeric pad
followed by
E.g. 10=> the bill is divided in ten equal parts
- You can also press
- The payment parts screen opens and shows the equal parts on the right side
allow you to scroll through all payment parts when the number of parts exceeds the number of available button places
- Press
to undo splitting the bill and return to the basic payment screen
- Press
- By clicking one of the buttons, select a part to be paid. The split bill overview
shows you which part you selected
- Optionally you can enter the received amount on the numeric pad. The amount you entered is shown in the ‘Received:‘ field in the bill payment overview
- Optionally you can enter the received amount on the numeric pad. The amount you entered is shown in the ‘Received:‘ field in the bill payment overview
- Choose a payment method, cash, card, or account that is used to pay the selected part
- When the entered/received amount exceeds the payment amount, the ‘Return:‘ field in the bill payment overview
shows the amount that should be returned to the customer for this payment part
- When the entered/received amount is lower than the payment amount, select one of the payment types that is used for this amount and select another payment type for the remainder
- The amount still needed to pay the split part in full, can be viewed in the ‘Not paid‘ field of the split bill overview
- The division of the different payment methods is shown in the Payment Parts Info
and on the printed bill
- The amount still needed to pay the split part in full, can be viewed in the ‘Not paid‘ field of the split bill overview
- When the entered/received amount exceeds the payment amount, the ‘Return:‘ field in the bill payment overview
- When the full amount for the payment part is received, press
to pay the selected part immediately. The payment part disappears from the list
and the bill is printed
- Repeat the steps for all payment parts to close the bill
- You can use
to return to the basic payment screen. The part that was already paid is deducted from the total. If needed you can split the bill/ remaining amount again, or pay the rest amount at once
- You can also select the payment parts one after the other, assigning payment method(s) after each selection, and press
to finalize all parts at once. You return to the order screen and the bills for the separate payment parts are printed
- When you already confirmed a payment part with
this doesn’t work
- Press
to undo assigning payment to selected part
- If you press
again, split bill is undone and you return to the basic payment screen
- When you already confirmed a payment part with
Payment type ‘On Account’can only be used when a client is linked to the bill, this can be done in the basic payment screen before the bill is split. All payment parts will then be assigned to the linked client
Pro forma billcan only be used for ‘Dine in’ split payments

Split bill screen

Payment part buttons
Split bill overview
Payment Parts info
Bill payment overview
Split bill overview details

Split the Bill per Article
Divide the bill per item, creating unequal parts to be paid separately
- Press
in the payment screen
- The split bill screen is opened
- Press
- Split bill per article screen is opened, the buttons on the right represent the articles in the order
- Articles with the same name, size, and options are consolidated, that is why in the example picture ‘COLD CAPPUCCINO’ is shown on two buttons; one button represents the ‘STANDARD with LACTOSE FREE’ and the other one ‘GRANDE with SKIMMED MILK’ as shown in the ‘Bill result‘
- Articles with the same name, size, and options are consolidated, that is why in the example picture ‘COLD CAPPUCCINO’ is shown on two buttons; one button represents the ‘STANDARD with LACTOSE FREE’ and the other one ‘GRANDE with SKIMMED MILK’ as shown in the ‘Bill result‘
The number shows the amount of the article that will be added to the ‘Bill result‘
when only this button is pressed
- Press the article buttons
to add the corresponding items to the ‘Bill result‘
- To not add all identical items to the ‘Bill result‘, enter the number you want to add on the number pad, before you press the article button
- E.g. from the example pictures:
- enter 1 on the number pad
- Quantity: field in the bill overview
shows 1
- Press the ‘ICED AMERICANO’ button
- The ‘Bill result‘ list now shows 4 instead of 3 Iced Americanos
- The number on the button will now be 1, because only one Regular Iced Americano with Mikel cream remains to be selected
- To remove articles from the ‘Bill result‘:
- Select the article(s) in the list
- Press
- The selected item(s) and all its options are removed from the list and you can select it again from the buttons
- Select the article(s) in the list
- To not add all identical items to the ‘Bill result‘, enter the number you want to add on the number pad, before you press the article button
- When the ‘Bill result‘ is complete press
- The field ‘Total:‘ in the payment details
shows the amount that has to be paid for this part
- Handle payment as described in this manual to close the bill part
- You return to the split bill per article screen where you can repeat these steps until the complete bill is paid for

Split bill screen

Buttons representing the articles
Bill result
Bill overview