unTill POS user guide for Mikel

Welcome to the unTill POS user guide for Mikel
This manual is based on available unTill features. Per location the availability of these features may vary. Also third parties may be used, for delivery for example, this is also not explained in this manual

  • Use the menu to navigate through this manual
    • For (larger) pc screens the menu is on the left hand side
    • For (smaller) mobile screens the menu can be accessed by pressing the so-called ‘hamburger menu’ icon
    • Some pages may also include a menu at the top of the page, this allows you to quickly find what you want on that page
  • You can also use the search field to quickly find what you are looking for
  • This manual consists of info text and corresponding screen shots of the POS to clarify the descriptions. Often in the info text you will encounter an icon of a numbered circleThis refers to the corresponding hotspot on the POS screenshot image, usually directly next to it (on smaller screens the pictures are displayed below the text)
  • The buttons you need to press are represented here by the same icon as on the actual screen, for example‘Confirm’
  • Because this manual is specially for Mikel, screenshots, icons, etc, are taken from a Mikel Database. For the unTill Demo user manual follow the link docs.untill.com